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/So far the marketing campaign has been really low key, virtually non-existent. The building construction is progressing nicely, so it seems like we need to start to get the word out.
This should be visible.
updates regarding the 33st project are found here during the construction phase of the project.
So far the marketing campaign has been really low key, virtually non-existent. The building construction is progressing nicely, so it seems like we need to start to get the word out.
This should be visible.
live33st is located in Killarney, a SW Calgary inner city community located near the city centre, footsteps to transit, walkable and bike friendly. Urban townhomes and apartments are available to lease starting summer 2018.
To provide exceptional homes for our residents in Killarney
1. To treat our residents with respect and professionalism
2. To conduct our business in a forthcoming and honest manner
3. To offer housing affordable enough that our community is available to others to enjoy
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